Jules Léon Perrichon (1866–1946)
“Bust of Victor Hugo by Auguste Rodin”, c.1900,
a rare proof state impression of a wood-engraving after Auguste Rodin’s
(aka Pierre Auguste Rodin) (1840–1917)
“Buste de Victor Hugo”, inscribed in pencil as a retouching proof (“epreuve de
retouche”) and with the artist’s monogram as the engraver (“JLP. sc.”).
Note that Auguste Lepère (aka Louis Auguste Lepère) (1849–1918)
executed a wood-engraving of the same bust by Rodin in 1902; see https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/P_1949-0411-3756
(BM inv. 1949,0411.3756) & https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/P_1949-0411-3754
(BM inv. 1949,0411.3754).
Wood-engraving on Japanese paper, pencil inscribed as a “epreuve de retouche” (retouching proof), backed with a
support sheet.
Size: (sheet) 15.5 x 11.7cm; (plate) 11.8 x 8.5cm.
Inscribed in pencil below the image borderline: “epreuve de retouche/
[monogram of the artist] JLP. sc.”
Condition: a strong, near faultless impression in an excellent condition
with no tears, holes, folds or stains and laid upon a support sheet of archival
(millennium quality) washi paper.
I am selling this rare, pencil monogramed and inscribed, proof-state
wood-engraving showing a sculpted bust by Rodin of the famous author and
artist, Victor Hugo, for the total cost of AU$292 (currently US$183.41/ EUR 176.64/
GBP 147.20 at the time of this listing) including Express Mail (EMS) postage
and handling to any location worldwide. Please note that import duties or taxes
may apply in certain countries and are not included in the price. Payment is
requested in Australian dollars (AU$292).
If you are interested in purchasing this unique pencil inscribed artist’s proof, please contact me (oz_jim@printsandprinciples.com) and I will send you a PayPal invoice to make the payment easy.