Gallery of prints for sale

Sunday 1 September 2019

Carlo Cesio's etching, “The Assumption of the Virgin with Angels Holding Her Crown”, 1680

Carlo Cesio (aka Carlo Cesi)(1622–1682)

“The Assumption of the Virgin with Angels Holding Her Crown” (TIB title) (La Ste. Vierge assise sur un nuage), 1680, Plate 1 from the series of eight plates, “The Assumption of the Virgin (aka “La Cuppola del Cavalier Gio. Lanfranco, dipinta in Roma, nella chiesa di S. Andrea della Valle” [BM title]), after a portion of the frescoed dome of S. Andrea della Valle (Rome) (1625–1627) painted by Giovanni Lanfranco (1582–1647), published by Giovanni Giacomo de' Rossi (aka Jo Jacobus de Rubeis; Giovanni Jacomo de' Rossi) (1627–1691) in Rome with Papal privilege (1691).

Etching on laid paper backed with a support sheet.
Size: (sheet) 59 x 34 cm; (plate) 56 x 29 cm.
Lettered on plate: (upper left) “Carolus Cæsi..[o]. delinit et sculit./ LA CVPPOLA del Caualier Gio. Lan:/ franco, dipinta in Roma, nella Chiesa/ di S.Andrea della Valle, disegnata, et/ intagliata da Carlo Cesio, e di/ nuouoi data in luce con direttione,/ e cura da Gio. Giacomo Rossi,/ dalle sue stampe in Roma, all Pace, 1680, con/ Priuil. del S. Pontefice/ concesso l’Anno 1691.” (transl. “drawn and carved by Carlo Cesio, and again given light with direction and care by Gio. Giacomo Rossi, from his prints in Rome, to Pace, 1680, with Privil. of the Holy Pontiff granted the Year 1691”; (upper right corner with Roman numeral) “I”; (lower left corner with Arabic numeral) “1”; (lower centre edge) “Jo. Lanfranco pinxt.”
State iii (of iii) with the Papal privilege added and burin strengthening of the name of Carlo Cesio.

TIB 47 (21). 4 (105) S3 (Paolo Bellini 1983, “The Illustrated Bartsch: Italian Masters of the Seventeenth Century”, vol. 47, p. 35, cat. no. 4; see also the commentary volume for vol. 47, Part 1, p. 73, cat. no. .004 S3); Bartsch XXI.105.4

The British Museum offers the following description of this print:
“Plate 1: the Virgin seated on clouds among cherubs, with arms raised upwards”

Condition: richly inked, strong—near faultless—impression in very good condition for its considerable age (i.e there are no tears, holes, foxing or significant stains, but there is a flattened centrefold—as published?—and the margins have handling marks). The sheet is laid upon an archival support of (millennium quality) washi paper.

I am selling this exceptionally rare and large etching in a museum-quality condition capturing in Cesio’s bold lines the proto-Baroque style of painting (in the manner of Correggio) that made Lanfranco famous, for the total cost of AU$322 (currently US$216.89/EUR197.31/GBP178.37 at the time of this listing) including postage and handling to anywhere in the world (but not, of course, any import duties/taxes imposed by some countries).

If you are interested in purchasing this graphic translation of a fresco that not only flattens the curved surface of the original painting, but also convincingly shows the portrayed figures so that they appear to float in space above the viewer, please contact me ( and I will send you a PayPal invoice to make the payment easy.

This print has been sold

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