Gallery of prints for sale

Sunday 17 December 2023

Jan Luyken’s etching, “The Sacrifice to Priapus”, c.1700

Jan Luyken (aka Johannes Luyken; Jan Luijken) (1649–1712)

“The Sacrifice to Priapus”, c.1700, gatefold illustration between pages 210 and 211 to the first volume of David and Willem Goeree’s (1635–1711) “Mosaize historie der Hebreeuwse kerke …” (Mosaic history of the Hebrew church …), published by the authors in Amsterdam, in 1700. See an online view of this print offered by in its context in the publication:

Etching (with engraving?) on fine laid paper with full margins of publication, laid on a support sheet with flattened folds with repasting of the separate right sheet.

Size: (sheet) 32.8 x 57.7 cm; (plate) 30.5 x 53.5 cm; (image borderline) 28.9 x 52.9 cm.

Inscribed in plate within the image borderline: (upper left corner) “1 Deel. P. 210” (Part 1; Page 210); (on pedestal at lower left) “ΤΩ ΤΗΣ/ ΓΕΝΕΣΕΩΣ/ ΠΟΙΜEΝΙ” (THAT OF/ GENESIS/ SHEPHERD); (on cartouche at lower left) “SACRIFICIVM CALIGVLAE” (THE SACRIFICE OF CALIGULA); (Biblical references on stones at right) “Ezech: 16: 17.” (Ezekiel 16-17); “I. Kon: 15: 13.” (1 Corinthians 15:13 [If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. (NIV)])

Lettered in plate below the image borderline: “Aal-Oude Steen met bygevoeg de Lampen en Vasen, die den Offerdienst aan PRIAPVS vertoonen; welke insonderheid vande Vrouwen, als der Vader der Generatien, door’t slagten van eenen Ezel geëerd; en ΣΩΤΗΡ ΚΟΣ ΜΟΥ, dat is, Behouder des Weerelds, genoemd wierd.” (Old [water/offering?] Stone with the addition of the Lamps and Vases, which perform the Sacrificial Service to Priapus; which particularity of Women, as the Father of Generations, is honoured by the slaughter of an Ass/Donkey; and was called ΣΩΤΗΡ ΚΟΣ ΜΟΥ [my saviour?], that is, Saviour of the world.)

Christie’s Auctions offer a brief description of this print from their 1 Jul 2010 auction:

Condition: a strong, well-printed and near faultless impression with wide margins and flattened folds of publication, in a near pristine condition, laid onto a support of archival (millennium quality) washi paper.

I am selling this huge etching showing in the centre of a portrayed frame of associated architectural features, a tableau representing the sacrifice of an ass to the statue of Priapus—God of Fertility—as shown in Pieter van der Heyden’s (c.1530–c.1584) 1553 engraving (, for AU$304 (currently US$203.19/EUR183.85/GBP161.84 at the time of posting this listing) including Express Mail postage and handling to anywhere in the world, but not (of course) any import duties/taxes imposed by some countries.

If you are interested in purchasing this superb impression of a curiously wonderful etching, please contact me ( and I will send you a PayPal invoice to make the payment easy.

This print has been sold

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