Gallery of prints for sale

Thursday 21 March 2019

Tony Johannot’s etching, “The Rose (Conversation)”, 1849

Tony Johannot (aka Antoine Johannot; Tony Joannot; Tony Johannoh) (1803–1852)

“The Rose (Conversation)”, 1849, scratch-lettered proof before formal lettering as illustration (plate 85) to “Les Artistes Contemporains”, published in 1850 by Goupil, Vibert et Cie, Paris.

See an explanation of the background to this print offered by

Etching on chine collé on laid paper, a pre-publication proof with the artist’s name lightly scratched below the image borderline, backed with a support sheet.
Size: (sheet) 44.8 x 31.8 cm; (plate) 29.7 x 20.2 cm; (image borderline/chine collé) 18 x 13.7 cm.
Numbered on plate above the image borderline: (right) “85”.
Inscribed on plate below the image borderline: “Tony Johannot 1849”.

For those who may be unfamiliar with the illustrations by Tony Johannot, his significance as an illustrator is summed up by the famous arts writer/poet/novelist, Théophile Gautier, who wrote in his article in “La Presse” (16 June 1845—four years before this print was executed):
“Tony Johannot can be called, without fear of contradiction, the king of illustration. Only a few years ago, no novel, no poem could appear in print without an engraving in wood bearing his signature …” (

Condition: richly inked and well-printed proof state etching in excellent condition—note that I know that there is a small retouched line “somewhere” which was a printing fault but I can no longer find this line.

I am selling this sensitively executed romantic illustration of young love for AU$230 (currently US$164.56/EUR144/GBP124.78 at the time of posting this print) including postage and handling to anywhere in the world (but not, of course, any import duties/taxes imposed by some countries).

If you are interested in purchasing this masterwork of 19th century illustrator’s art, please contact me ( and I will send you a PayPal invoice to make the payment easy.


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