Gallery of prints for sale

Monday 6 February 2023

Wenceslaus Hollar’s etching, “Prince Charles Louis, Count Palatine of the Rhine”, 1646, after Anthony van Dyck

Wenceslaus Hollar (aka Václav Hollar; Wenzel Hollar) (1607–1677)

Prince Charles Louis, Count Palatine of the Rhine” (aka “Carolus Ludovicus D: G: Comes Palatinus ad Rhenum”)—Karl I Ludwig (1617–1680), Elector Palatine (ruled 1648–1680), 1646, from the series, “Icones Principum Virorum” after a portrait painted by Anthony van Dyck (1599–1641) in the Edith A. and Percy S. Straus Collection in the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (inv. no. 44.532). This is first lettered state impression before the addition of details for the later publication of this print by Hendrick van der Borcht the Younger (1614–1666?).

Etching on laid paper, trimmed around the image borderline with the writing edge intact and backed with a support sheet.

Size: (support sheet) 33.8 x 23.3 cm; (sheet) 27.7 x 20 cm; (image borderline) 25.8 x 19.9 cm.

Lettered in plate below the image borderline: (left) “Ant: van dyck pinxit”; (centre) “CAROLVS LVDOVICVS D: G: COMES PALATINVS AD RHENVM, Sri: Rni: LMrii:/ Princeps, Archidapifer & Elector, Dux Bauariæ, Nobilissimi Ordinis Garterij Eques etc/ WHollar fecit, 1646”.

Pennington 1447.i (Richard Pennington 1982, “A Descriptive Catalogue of the Etched Work of Wenceslaus Hollar 1607–1677”, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 250–51, cat. no. 1447.i); New Hollstein (German) 866.I; New Hollstein (Dutch & Flemish) 122.

The British Museum offers the following description of this print: “Portrait, over half-length, turned slightly to the right, wearing a lace collar over armour, medal of the garter suspended from a chain around his neck, a sword hanging from his waist, his right hand resting on a baton, his left bent behind his back; first, lettered state with the title and production details; after Van Dyck” (

Condition: a well-printed lifetime impression trimmed around the image borderline with the writing edge intact and laid onto archival (millennium quality) washi paper. The sheet is in a very good condition for its age with no tears, holes, folds, abrasions, significant stains or foxing.

I am selling this sensitively executed half-length portrait of Prince Charles Louis—the Count Palatine of the Rhine who was to later lose his possessions when he rashly accepted the Bohemian crown (see Richard Pennington [1982] p. 251)—for the total cost of AU$355 (currently US$246.17/EUR228.12/GBP204.15 at the time of this listing) including postage and handling to anywhere in the world, but not (of course) any import duties/taxes imposed by some countries.

If you are interested in purchasing this superb portrait—my eye is taken by the rendering of Prince Charles Louis’ hand and how Hollar has not only captured the volume/form of the baton being held, but also the youthful puffiness of the hand; note also how the armour has the “right”/appropriate degree of sheen for polished steel (i.e., not too shiny and not too dull)—please contact me ( and I will send you a PayPal invoice to make the payment easy.

This print has been sold

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