Gallery of prints for sale

Sunday 29 May 2016

Gilles Demarteau (1722–76) after Jean-Baptiste Le Prince (1734–81)
“Plate 1, Book 1”, 1773, from “Principes Du Dessin Dans Le Genre Du Paysage”
Crayon-manner stippled etching in sanguine ink on coarse laid paper
Size: (sheet) 43.5 x 30.2 cm; (plate) 26.9 x 20 cm

Inscribed within the plate (upper-centre edge) “Planche premiere. Livre 1 er.”; (lower left) “Le Prince”; (lower right) “Demarteau”; (lower centre) “Pour acquérir la facilite’ de dessiner le paysage, il faut commencer par etudier separément les feuilles de divers arbres propres à la peinture, sans cela il seroit impossible d’y donner le caractere; voyez q, 2, 3, on en dessinera ensuite plusieurs ensemble, à peu-près comme dans la figre 4,avec láttention de les placer de maniere que les masses d’ombre quélles produiront soient assez considerable pour faire valoir les masses de clair.” [Google Translation: To acquire facilitates' to draw the landscape, we must first separate study of the leaves of various trees suitable for painting, otherwise it would be impossible to give the character; see 1, 2, 3, then draw more together, nearly as in figure 4, with attention to the place of way that the masses of which are quite considerable shadow occur to assert the masses of light.] / A Paris chés Demarteau Graveur du Roi, rue de la Pelterie à la Cloche.”

Condition: crisp and well-inked impression with irregular margins (as published). There are minor handling creases otherwise in excellent condition for its age (i.e. the sheet is clean and without tears, stains or foxing).

This print has been sold

Gilles Demarteau (1722–76) after Jean-Baptiste Le Prince (1734–81)
“Plate 3, Book 2”, 1773, from “Principes Du Dessin Dans Le Genre Du Paysage”
Crayon-manner stippled etching in sanguine ink on coarse laid paper
Size: (sheet) 43.4 x 29.9 cm; (plate) 30.5 x 23.6 cm

Inscribed within the plate (upper-centre edge) “Planche 3 eme. Livre 2 eme”; (lower left) “Le Prince”; (lower right) “Demarteau”; (lower centre) “Ceci est une suite de ce qui à été demontré dans La Planche 2e. du Livre 2e. A est un jeune Hètre vu a trente pas. La forme particuliere des feuilles échape à la vuë, et l’on appercoit que la tournure généale de l’arbre, c’est à dire le caractere particulier ou la direction de ses branches.” [Google Translation: This is a result of what was shown in the second board. 2nd Book. A is a young thirty Beechwood seen not. The particular shape of the leaves an Escape to the view, and we perceive that généale turn of the tree, ie the particular character or direction of its branches.] / A Paris chés Demarteau Graveur du Roi, rue de la Pelterie à la Cloche.”

Condition: crisp and well-inked impression with irregular margins (as published). There are minor handling creases otherwise in excellent condition for its age (i.e. the sheet is clean and without tears, stains or foxing).

This print has been sold

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