Gallery of prints for sale

Thursday 9 July 2020

Unidentified engraver after Jan Sadeler I & Maarten de Vos, “Magnificat: The Virgin Surrounded by Music-Making Angels”, c1585–1643

Unidentified engraver from the circle of Jan Sadeler I (aka Johannes Sadeler; Johann Sadeler) (1550–1600)

“Magnificat: The Virgin Surrounded by Music-Making Angels”, c1585–1643, in reverse after Jan Sadeler I’s engraving (c1585) and after Maarten de Vos’ (aka Marten de Vos; Maerten de Vos) (1532–1603) design featuring the sheet music, “Chants de la Vierge (Luc 1, v.46)” (Songs of the Virgin [Luke 1, v.46]), by the Flemish singer and composer, Cornelis Verdonck (1563–1625), published in Antwerp in 1643 by Claes Jansz. Visscher (aka Piscator; Nicolaes Jansz Visscher) (1587–1652) as plate 2 in “Theatrum Biblicum.”

Engraving on laid paper with a small margin around the platemark and backed with a support sheet.
Size: (sheet) 22.6 x 30.5 cm; (plate) 21 x 29 cm.
Inscribed on plate: (upper centre) the Tetragrammaton (the name of God in square script Hebrew); (lower centre) “Luce I. vers. 46./ COELICOLVM REGI MERITAS DE PROMITE LAVDES/ NAMQ[ue]  PIA DOMINVM VENERARI LAVDE DECORVM EST Psal. 147.”; (lower right) “ in […] Visscher excu. 2”.

TIB 7001.264 CI (Isabelle de Ramaix 2001, “The Illustrated Bartsch: Johan Sadeler I”, vol. 70, Part 2 [Supplement], New York, Abaris Books, p. 62, cat. no. [7001 Johan Sadeler I Fecit] .264 CI).

Condition: well-printed impression (showing no sign of wear to the printing plate) with a small margin around the platemark and laid onto a support sheet of millennium quality washi paper. Beyond a closed tear (almost invisible) in the lower margin, the sheet is in an excellent condition (i.e. there are no holes, folds, losses, abrasions, stains or foxing).

I am selling this remarkable engraving featuring angels playing music—note that the two angels on the left are playing a flute and viol while the two angels on the right play a cornett and viol while two angels further back hold the music, “Songs of the Virgin [Luke 1, v.46]), following the score composed by the contemporary Flemish musician of the time, Cornelis Verdonck—for AU$348 (currently US$243.18/EUR213.97/GBP192.49 at the time of posting this print) including postage and handling to anywhere in the world (but not, of course, any import duties/taxes imposed by some countries).

If you are interested in purchasing this fascinating engraving of angels making music, please contact me ( and I will send you a PayPal invoice to make the payment easy.

This print has been sold

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