Gallery of prints for sale

Sunday 24 March 2019

Romeyn de Hooghe’s etching, “Apocalypse of St John”, c1704

Romeyn de Hooghe (aka Romeijn de Hooge: Gisling) (1645–1708)

“Apocalypse of St John” (aka “Apocalypse de St Jean”; “Revelation of St John”; “Het Lam op den Throon en de Aarde geplaagt” [“The Lamb on the Throne and the Earth plagued]”), c1704, Plate CXXXVII (137) illustration to Jacques Basnage’s (1653–1723), “Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament / representée en tailles douces dessignées [et] faites par Mr. Romein de Hoogue ; avec une explication dans laquelle on éclaircit plusieurs passages obscurs [et] on leve les principales difficultez de l'Ecriture Sainte ; on y ajoûte deux discours pour prouver l'existence d'un Dieu, l'inspiration de Moyse [et] des prophetes [et] la verité de la religion chrêtienne par Mr. Basnage” ([Google Transl.] “History of the Old and New Testaments / represented in … [intaglio plates] by Mr. Romein de Hoogue; with an explanation in which several obscure passages are clarified [and] the main difficulties of Sacred Scripture are removed; two speeches are added to prove the existence of a God, the inspiration of Moyse [and] the prophets [and] the truth of the Christian religion by Mr. Basnage[), published by Jaques Lindenberg in either the French edition of 1704, (p. 43) or more likely (because there is no letterpress text verso) in the earlier Dutch edition of 1702 in Amsterdam.

The French edition of this publication may be viewed online (and downloaded) from Babel:;view=1up;seq=71

Etching on fine laid paper trimmed with narrow margins backed with a support sheet.
Size: (sheet) 15.7 x 19.9 cm; (plate) 15.4 x 19.3 cm.
Numbered on plate within the image borderline: (upper left) “I”; (upper right) “2”; (lower left) “3”; (lower right) “4”; (left of centre) “5”.
Inscribed on plate within the image borderline: (left) “Openb:/ Cap. 8 V.1/ Openb. Cap. 10 V.1.”; (right) “Openb:/ Cap. 8: V.10/ Openb. Cap. 11 V.8.”.
Inscribed on plate below the image borderline: (left) “R: de Hogg. Inv et fec;”; (centre) “Openb: Cap. … [12?]”; (right) “J Lindenb: exc: cum Privil.”

For those interested in the reference numbers inscribed on the plate, I have tried—with shortfalls and I apologise for these—to translate the relevant text from the Dutch edition designed as explanatory guides written by Jean de Labrune:
1. The Lamb sits on the Throne: the [“Aardryk” — perhaps meaning the earth?] mourns.
2. A [“sterr '’] spoils the Stream, God's hand beats fiercely.
(3.) The Wonder[ous?] Angel swings; the Book was swallowed.
(4.) The beast blows blood and murder.
(5.) The red Dragon is startled.

Condition: a crisp and well-printed impression, but with signs of wear to the printing plate in terms of legibility of the text lines below the image borderline. The sheet is in excellent condition for its age (i.e. there are no tears, holes, folds, abrasions, stains, foxing or blemishes of use), trimmed with narrow margins around the platemark and backed with a conservator’s support sheet.

I am selling this intriguing etching featuring a composite of small narratives by one of the most important and inventive illustrators of the late Dutch Golden Age for AU$194 in total (currently US$137.53/EUR121.65/GBP104.05 at the time of posting this print) including postage and handling to anywhere in the world (but not, of course, any import duties/taxes imposed by some countries).

If you are interested in purchasing this visual thesis inscribed with relevant biblical chapters, verses and numbered for an appendix of explanatory notes regarding the revelations of St John, please contact me ( and I will send you a PayPal invoice to make the payment easy.

This print has been sold

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